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TikTok Effect Platform
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Release Notes

Release Notes


September 23, 2024


  • Bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


  • Rank game results with the new Leaderboard
  • Introducing the Visual Effects Editor
  • Support for GIF and FBX files
  • Text component updates
  • Asset Picker view mode update

New Features

  • A new Leaderboard object has been added to Social, allowing you to rank game results among friends, nationwide, or globally
  • A new Skin Smoothing object has been added to Face Effects to enhance skin texture
  • Introducing the Visual Effects Editor (VFX), a node-based tool for crafting complex visual effects and GPU particle simulations with precision. Choose from over 76 VFX assets in the Asset Library.
  • Added 4 visual scripting utility nodes: Pause Record, Resume Record, Finish Record, and Reset Record to give you greater control over recording actions
  • The Screen to Real World visual scripting node converts object positions from screen space to real-world space by performing a raycast for accurate positioning and rotation
  • Add a Tween component to apply animations to your objects
  • Add a 2D Spring Joints component to simulate 2D spring-like joints in 2D physics
  • Post Effects now supports AI Filter, which allows you to import and apply LUT texture files to give your effect a colored filter.
  • Import GIF files and apply them as textures
  • Import FBX files to use vertex animations in your projects


  • Our create effects with AI feature now supports 2D Cross Street games. These games allow you to move through obstacles to go from one side of the street to the other, such as “a penguin crossing the highway”, “a frog crossing a pond” etc.
  • The Preview panel now supports custom ratio and resolution adjustments for various mobile devices
  • The Text component now supports horizontal and vertical alignment, giving you more control over text positioning
  • You can now adjust deformation settings for each instantiated mesh individually, with changes applying only to the selected mesh
  • Added a view mode within the Asset Picker to enhance usability. Switch between Grid View, which displays larger icons, asset names, and category info, and List View, which shows asset names and thumbnails.
  • Animations can now be split into segments and saved as new animations
  • A new Physics Animation parameter has been added to the Dynamic Joint component, enabling simultaneous physical and animation effects with adjustable weighting
  • The Assets panel now allows you to drag and drop an asset into the Scene or Hierarchy panel
  • The Scene panel now supports direct editing of the Box Collider 2D
  • AI Art Texture and Face Fusion now allow quick access to the Asset Library from the Inspector panel
  • Added ability to retrieve gyroscope and accelerometer information from mobile devices
  • The particle system now supports 3D mesh rendering, allowing for richer effects and 3D crowd simulation mini-games


  • Fixed 2D physical touch in-app behavior
  • Improved Asset Library load time
  • Fixed screen layout adaptability for consistent appearance across all mobile devices
  • Fixed old objects, components, and scene view meshes
  • Materials and textures now automatically bind after importing an FBX model
  • Fixed reset issue after recording when 3D physics joints break
  • Fixed an issue that caused unnecessary collision detection


August 14, 2024


  • Our create effects with AI feature now supports 5 new social randomizer effects. These effects randomly select one or multiple friends from your TikTok friends list for topics like “Who will treat me to lunch today?”, “My three best buddies,” or “My friends’ guilty pleasures.”


August 2, 2024

  • Create custom effects with AI
  • Text component now supports Inner Shadow

New Features


  • Shadow Mode for Caster and Receiver can now be applied in the Mesh Renderer component


  • Fixed an Apply Impulse issue within the frame rate independent mode
  • Fixed compound collider inertia tensor
  • Fixed collider rotation
  • Enhanced collision detection stability
  • Improved preview load time for adding or removing objects, and components

Known Issues

  • Some thumbnail images are not displayed when importing an asset


July 2, 2024

  • Spanish language support
  • Texture property updates

New Features

  • The Spanish language option is available in the Language dropdown


  • Our improved guided experience offers a step-by-step walkthrough to help new users navigate Effect House and create their first effect
  • The Assets Library now closes automatically and folders in the Assets panel collapse once you’ve imported and applied an asset. Thumbnail images also now appear in the Assets panel if the file includes one.
  • The Filter Min and Filter Mag properties for textures have been relocated from the Advanced Settings section to the Sampling section in the Inspector panel
  • The default intensity of the environment map for the Environment Light component has been updated from 1 to 0.6 to improve color visibility within ambient light


  • Optimized submission page for faster loading time and added packaging status hints


June 5, 2024


  • Bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


May 23, 2024


  • Bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience

Known Issues

  • Some subgraphs appear orange with a warning icon. They still function as expected.


  • Link TikTok sounds directly to your effect
  • Search for templates, template tags, and recent projects

New Features

  • Tether a TikTok sound directly from TikTok Sounds Library so that it plays when your effect is opened
  • Find templates, template tags, and projects using the new search function now accessible on the Effect House home screen
  • User Media Texture now supports portrait and subject segmentation from user-uploaded media textures
  • The 3D Physics Interactor node facilitates interactions with 3D physics objects, elevating game effects
  • Edge Collider 2D enables the creation of complex colliders for more intricate physics interactions
  • The Mesh Collider component allows for any mesh to be converted to a collider
  • The Head Collider object combines the existing HeadOccluer mesh and the new Mesh Collider component
  • The Basic Cloth object combines the existing Cloth 3D physics component with a new Basic Cloth mesh
  • Objects can be converted to Prefab asset, which can then be instantiated, exported, and imported


  • Entry points to the AI Art Texture generator and Asset Studio have been temporarily removed
  • The Effect House home screen has undergone a makeover!
  • The Balloon Constraint and Balloon Pressure properties have been added to the Cloth component
  • Import camera and light settings together with FBX models you import to Effect House
  • Keyed animation for blendshapes can now be imported
  • The following improvements have been made to the triangle count limit for models imported to Effect House:
    • Increased the triangle count limit for static meshes from 100K to 200K
    • Increased the triangle count limit for meshes with skinned animation from 100K to 120K
    • The triangle count limit for meshes with blendshape animation has been set to 60K


April 18, 2024

  • Support for 2D physics system
  • Subgraph instancing
  • MP4 asset support

New Features

  • Added a 2D physics system made up of the following:
    • 3 components: Rigid Body 2D, Box Collider 2D, and Circle Collider 2D
    • 4 nodes: Apply lmpulse 2D, Collider Event 2D, Force Controller 2D, and Ray Cast 2D


  • Dragging a connector, node, or comment to the edge of the Visual Scripting panel will automatically move your viewport
  • Connectors now automatically snap to node ports, simplifying node linking, even when zoomed out
  • Property fields that support numeric values can now perform the following operations: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), modulo or remainder (%), and powers (^)
  • Access new pet, scenic, and food icons from Effect Icon Creator
  • The Stylized and Retro Game styles have been added to AI Art Texture


  • The node search order now brings the most relevant results to the top of your search list
  • Fixed an issue that prevented previewing effects
  • Fixed an AI Art Texture loading issue for Fantasia and 3D Cartoon styles


March 20, 2024


  • Removed support for MP4 import


March 19, 2024

  • Portuguese language support

New Features

  • The Portuguese language option is available in the Language dropdown
  • Add an AI Art Image object and customize its default AI Art Texture
  • Expanded support for segmentation, including eye, ear, lip, teeth, skin, and subject


  • Target Tracker offers improved accuracy in detection and tracking
  • Improved default rendering order settings for better performance, resolving issues with opaque and transparent objects


March 8, 2024


  • Bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


February 26, 2024

  • The maximum supported size for effect packages is now 8 MB
  • Quickly replace and refresh assets

New Features

  • Search for Asset Library subgraphs and directly download them from the Visual Scripting panel



Certain Asset Studio styles are not available in Europe

Known Issues

  • After replacing a static 3D asset with an animated 3D asset, the animation appears, but won’t play


January 29, 2024


We’ve released a fix to improve your Effect House experience and urge you to download it. Please update now to maintain a smooth experience.

For M1/2/3 users, due to technical issues, please visit the Effect House website to download this update. 


January 25, 2024


  • Wise Bald has been removed from the Object menu, but can still be added from Asset Library


  • Crash fixes to improve your Effect House experience


January 22, 2024

  • Add Cloth and Cloth Configuration to create a realistic cloth-like appearance
  • Save a component’s configuration as a preset
  • Use Depth Texture to add algorithmically-predicted depth to your effect
  • Personalize a Text object with new fonts

New Features

  • Depth Texture algorithmically estimates the Camera Input Texture’s depth. The resulting grayscale texture predicts a real-world object’s distance from the camera.
  • Save select components’ configurations as presets and apply it to other components of the same type


  • Font options have been added to the Text component
  • The maximum supported bone count of imported models has increased from 50 to 100

Known Issues

  • If the mesh is used for cloth simulation, avoid using the same mesh in other places.


Fixed an issue with 3D physics colliders which caused unexpected in-app behavior


December 21, 2023

Bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


December 18, 2023

Bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


December 14, 2023

  • Compress assets with Asset Compression Center
  • Easily delete unused assets with the new Organize Assets menu
  • New array nodes for visual scripting

New Features

  • Optimize your effect’s file size with Asset Compression Center, where you can access a centralized view of all compressible assets
  • Add the Screen Drawing object from the Object menu and test your drawing in the Preview panel
  • Added new array nodes in the Visual Scripting panel: Insert Item in Array, Remove Item from Array, Append Arrays, and Split Array
  • Added a new Get Asset node
  • Added a Component Property category, comprised of getters and setters for each node, in the node library
  • Manage your assets with new functions in the Assets panel: Hide unused asset, Show unused asset, and Delete unused asset


  • Reorganized the Object menu
  • Import and apply Generative Effects from Asset Library
  • Add the following Segmentation objects from the Object menu: Sky Segmentation, Ground Segmentation, Building Segmentation, Face Sticker Segmentation, and User Upload Media Segmentation
  • View demo videos and descriptions when hovering over an object in the Object menu
  • The Which Face property has been added to the Hand Segmentation Texture and Head Segmentation Texture
  • Updates to Body Outline properties
  • The Mask Texture property has been added to the Camera component
  • Properties pinned from the Inspector panel appear with the Source parameter in their respective nodes in the Visual Scripting panel
  • Experience smoother navigation between menus
  • Search for Scene objects in the node library
  • The Text component has been updated for consistency across different screens


December 7, 2023

  • Cartoon generative effect

New Features


  • Face Fusion has been improved and supports skin tone matching
  • The New Creator Bonus interface has been updated in Activity Center


November 16, 2023

New Features

  • Add Physics Matter from the Asset menu to customize the bounciness and friction values of physics objects
  • The Japanese language option is available in the Language dropdown
  • Add Portrait Normal Texture from the Asset menu to generate a normal texture from the camera image
  • Add the 3D Portrait Segmentation object from the Object menu
  • Assets can now be easily located using the Find asset icon
  • Use the Blonde Hair generative effect object to lighten your hair


  • Sketchfab is back, allowing for easy access to their wide variety of 3D assets
  • Physics Material, Is Tangible, and Fit Mesh properties have been added to collider objects
  • Physics settings have been added to the Effect Settings window
  • Portrait Segmentation can easily be added from the Quick Access Bar
  • View demo videos when selecting an interaction
  • A drag option is available in the 2D Scene panel
  • Search for objects in the Object menu
  • View your Bonus Badge status, including your effects’ stats, in the Bonus Badge window


November 7, 2023


  • Fixed several crash-causing bugs
  • Fixed an issue that caused users to log out when importing multiple MP3 files


October 25, 2023

  • Reset your effect each time you record
  • Two-finger touch gestures

New Features

  • Reset your effect whenever the record state is triggered by selecting Reset on Record On in the Visual Scripting panel
  • The Pinch and Rotate node detects and responds to the position of two fingers on the screen
  • The Two-Finger Rotate interaction rotates a scene object on the world z-axis when two fingers rotate
  • The Pinch to Scale interaction shrinks or enlarges a scene object when two fingers move inward or outward, respectively
  • The Tilt Head to Play Next Frame interaction plays the next frame of the target animated texture when a head tilt is detected. This interaction can only be added to an Animated Texture asset.
  • A Save progress window has been added
  • When adding a generative effect that applies to the eyes or mouth, a tip will appear


  • New properties have been added to Face Inset
  • Social Kit objects are now added as 2D objects by default
  • The Head Movement Detection node supports Tilt Right and Tilt Left movements
  • The Finger Touch 1-Point node has been updated to the Finger Touch node. A Detect input has been added, which can change between Touch 0 and Touch 1.
  • Selecting an option on the Publish Effect window will automatically advance you to the next screen


September 27, 2023


  • Bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


September 25, 2023


  • An issue with opening project files containing Texture Sequences from previous versions has been fixed
  • A bug involving importing assets from Asset Library has been resolved
  • The Environment Light and corresponding Camera object have been moved to a separate render group to prevent objects from being rendered twice


September 20, 2023

  • Use Target Tracker to make AR objects interface with real-world images
  • The 2D Brush node allows you to create drawing effects with visual scripting
  • A new Environment Light object is added to your effect by default
  • Introduced support for eight additional GLTF extensions
  • Add HDR and EXR textures to the new Environment Light object

New Features

  • Target Tracker identifies your uploaded image, known as the target, and instantly situates a designated object wherever the target is detected in real-time, thereby allowing AR objects to respond to real-world images
  • Added the 2D Brush node, allowing you to easily create a brush effect with visual scripting
  • The Draw on Touch interaction lets you draw a 2D image by touching the screen
  • The new Environment Light object is now included in your Effect House project by default to enhance the lighting in your effect. You can also manually add an Environment Light from the Scene category of the Object menu. HDR or EXR textures can be added to the Environment Map property of the Environment Light component in the Inspector panel.
  • Eight additional GLTF extensions are now supported: KHR_materials_ior, KHR_materials_iridescence, KHR_materials_clearcoat, KHR_materials_transmission, KHR_materials_volume, KHR_materials_sheen, KHR_materials_anisotropy, and KHR_materials_specular


  • The Effect Settings window has been redesigned for enhanced usability, and now includes a search feature
  • Segmentation objects have been refactored to incorporate a new Segmentation Material
  • Icons are now displayed for uploaded media in the Preview menu


  • Select Blend Modes have been modified. Normal has been renamed to None, and Transparent has been renamed to Normal. Add and Glass have been removed.


September 14, 2023


  • Fixed an issue with Rigid Body compatibility with older versions of the TikTok app


September 11, 2023

  • Batch Editing allows you to edit multiple objects’ properties at once
  • GPU instancing has been added to Material Editor
  • Record state can be controlled through the Preview panel

New Features

  • Edit objects in batches by selecting multiple objects in the Hierarchy panel and simultaneously updating the shared components in the Inspector panel
  • Record state can now be controlled through the Preview panel
  • Three Material Editor nodes have been added for GPU instancing: Instance Count, Instance ID, and Instance Ratio
  • The Scene Object Info node retrieves the name, layer, and visibility from scene objects


  • The Text component now supports the Shadow and Outline properties
  • The Equal node now supports scene objects, allowing you to compare scene objects
  • The Done button in Effect Icon Creator now saves and applies your effect icon when submitting your effect
  • Community Bonus Badges are now displayed on the Effect House home screen


  • Render textures appear imported right-side up


August 23, 2023

  • Add assets directly from the component in the Inspector panel
  • 3D Face has been updated to more accurately conform to the face
  • Add the most commonly used objects from the Quick Access Bar

New Features

  • Easily add the most frequently used and most beginner-friendly objects from the Quick Access Bar. These objects may be categorized differently from the Objects menu to make them more accessible to new users. You may hide this bar by clicking the Quick Access Bar icon on the titlebar.
  • 20 new materials, from Floating Bubble to Zebra Skin, are available for you to import from Asset Library. You can also customize the imported materials in the Inspector panel!
  • Create and import assets for objects directly from the Inspector panel:
    • Create render textures in the Camera component
    • Create or import materials, including materials from Asset Library, in the Mesh Renderer component
    • Create or import textures in the Image component


  • The 3D Face object contains a new mesh that more accurately conforms to the face and extends to more fully cover the forehead
  • Face Fusion includes support for Retouch in the TikTok app
  • When utilizing visual scripting to convert numeric values into string values, any trailing zeros will no longer be displayed
  • Multi-line input boxes have been added to text fields, including the Feedback form and the Text component


August 15, 2023


  • Key bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


Welcome (or welcome back) to Effect House, TikTok’s effect creation platform! Effects are core to the TikTok experience and have the ability to inspire connections and creativity across a diverse and dynamic global community.

Get started by downloading Effect House today and join our official Effect House community on Discord, where we keep you updated on our latest events, host office hours, and connect you with other effect creators. As you grow, track the growth of your effects with Effect Analytics and celebrate creation milestones with our Bonus Badges program, which allows you to unlock bonuses (like a unique profile frame) as you earn badges for your achievements! And don’t forget to follow @effecthouse on TikTok where you can get inspired by some of the incredible effects created by our community each week.

We’re so excited to welcome you to Effect House and look forward to see what you create! Below is an overview of some key features to kick off your creation journey today.

  • Art Maker uses generative technology to turn your photos into unique works of art.
  • User Media Texture allows creators to incorporate images from the camera roll into effects.
  • Physics components, like Dynamic Chain and Box Colliders, use chain physics and define the physical boundaries and properties of objects to create interactive AR experiences.
  • Materials enhance the appearance of your objects. You can import materials, such as fur and glass, from Asset Library or create custom materials using Material Editor.
  • Asset Studio reduces the time it takes to design an effect by generating custom 2D face mask and sticker assets based on keywords you provide.
  • Generative Effects, like Aged and Side Eye, generate dynamic visuals in real time.
  • Face Fusion seamlessly morphs the face into a texture’s face.
  • Social Kit, composed of Profile Photo and Profile Info Animation, incorporates creators’ friends’ information, including their profile images and usernames, into your effect.
  • More than 50 templates are available to help you get started with your creative journey and build effects in no time.
  • More than 120 visual scripting nodes, including triggers, events, controllers, and more can be added to create custom, complex logic for your effect.

But we’re not stopping there! Explore the exciting Effect House 3.0.0 features below and follow our release notes and learning resources as we continue to expand. Happy creating!

  • Test your effect performance prior to submitting it for review
  • Text can now be produced and customized directly in Effect House
  • Use Neck Tracker to place objects on your neck
  • Generate and import custom text-to-image 2D stickers from Asset Studio
  • Custom subgraphs can now be saved locally to be easily accessed and reused

New Features

  • Click Test performance in the titlebar to check if your effect’s frame rate is optimal for effect submission
  • Add text directly to your effect with the Text object in Effect House. You can customize its appearance, such as size and color, with the Text component in the Inspector panel.

English is currently the only fully supported language

  • Use the Neck Tracker object to precisely track objects to your neck and fine-tune its properties using the corresponding component
  • The new 2D Sticker feature in Asset Studio allows you to generate and import custom text-to-image 2D graphics
  • Apply a sparkly material with Diamond from Asset Library
  • Added new Screen Effects to Asset Library
  • Save your favorite subgraphs locally to your Effect House application and access them in the Custom tab of the Node menu. You can add these subgraphs to other projects without having to manually import them.


  • The Add button [+] in the Hierarchy panel has been redesigned and renamed to + Add object
  • The Cat Face Sticker object has been refactored to use the new Image component
  • The Old generative effect has been renamed to Aged
  • The Asset Picker has been improved for usability

Known Issues

  • The Dog Face Sticker object has been temporarily removed

Legacy release notes


August 1, 2023

  • Key bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


July 28, 2023

  • Key bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


July 26, 2023

  • You can now apply materials to Image objects
New Features
  • The Image component now contains a Material property
  • You can now quickly remove connections between nodes by holding the Shift key and dragging your cursor across them
  • Draw Mode has been reintroduced for the Image component
Known Issues
  • When a material is applied to an image, the new image only applies the default opacity texture in the Scene panel. However, it correctly displays the applied opacity texture in the Preview panel.


July 20, 2023

  • Key bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


July 17, 2023

  • With User Media Texture, TikTok creators can add images from their camera roll to an effect
  • Create an effect icon by adding your effect to one of many available faces in Effect Icon Creator
  • Subgraphs are now supported as assets and available in Asset Library
  • Collision Event, Ray Cast, and 7 other physics nodes are now available in the Visual Scripting Node menu
  • Use the Pin to Mesh component to pin objects to a specific point on a mesh
New Features
  • Add a User Media Texture asset in the Assets panel to incorporate camera roll images into an effect. Try uploading a custom image to a green screen effect!

User Media Texture requires TikTok app version 30.2.0 or higher

  • Use Effect Icon Creator to easily design a face-based effect icon. Select a provided model or upload your own image to preview your face-based effect, which will then be auto-populated in the effect submission form.
  • Visual scripting and material subgraphs can now be converted into assets. Subgraph assets can be found in the new Subgraphs folder and then dragged and dropped from the Assets panel to the Visual Scripting panel and Material Editor.
  • Import visual scripting assets from the new Visual Scripting section in Asset Library
  • The Pin to Mesh component enables you to fix the position and orientation of 3D objects to deformable meshes. For example, you can pin objects to a specific point on a 3D face mesh so that it follows facial movements.

Pin to Mesh requires TikTok app version 30.3.0 or higher

  • Use Old, a new generative effect, to age your face

Adding multiple Generative Effects objects may slow down the performance of your effect. It is recommended that you limit the usage of generative effects.

  • Added a new Physics section in the Visual Scripting Node menu with the following nodes for getting physics information, handling collision events, applying forces, and ray casting:
    • Acceleration Controller
    • Apply Impulse
    • Collision Event
    • Collision Info
    • Force Controller
    • Physics Info
    • Ray Cast
    • Ray Hit Info
    • Velocity Controller
  • Added a new Middle Render Result utility node for custom materials that enables the rendered output of the current frame to be used as the input texture
  • Added a new User Media Info node that allows you to extract information from a User Media Texture
  • The Effect House home screen has been updated
  • Improved glTF support


July 13, 2023

  • Key bug fixes to improve the login experience in Effect House


June 29, 2023

  • Blend 2 faces together with Face Fusion
  • New Pout, Big Smile, Slanted Smile, Mouth Closed, Thrilled, and Yell generative effects
  • New Wink, Slow Blink, and Side Eye dynamic generative effects
  • New Activity Center added to the Effect House home screen
  • Control face stretch keypoints with Face Stretch visual scripting nodes
New Features
  • Add a Face Fusion object to morph your face with a texture’s face
  • Added 6 new Generative Effects objects that modify the facial expression:
    • Pout
    • Big Smile
    • Slanted Smile
    • Mouth Closed
    • Thrilled
    • Yell
  • Added 3 new dynamic Generative Effects objects that animate the facial features:
    • Wink
    • Slow Blink
    • Side Eye
  • Use the new Activity Center on the Effect House home screen to discover and participate in active Effect House Challenges and Missions
  • Add audio from the TikTok Sound Library with the Sound Library node
  • The Face Stretch Info and Set Face Stretch nodes allow you to control face stretch keypoints, enabling dynamic face deformation effects
  • Randomly stretch the face using the Face Stretch Info and Set Face Stretch nodes with the Tap Screen to Stretch Random Face interaction
  • Set a specific item in an array by the index with the Set Array Item Reference node
  • Use the Interpolate node in Material Editor to interpolate data from a vertex shader to a fragment shader
  • Import the new customizable Fur material from Asset Library

The Fur material requires TikTok app version 30.0.0 or higher to preview

  • Components in the Inspector panel have tooltips to provide context and links to learning resources.
  • Fixed an issue impacting textures with an alpha channel. When importing textures into projects created on older versions of Effect House, the Premult setting may need to be manually unchecked in the Texture properties (in Advanced Settings of the Inspector panel).


June 13, 2023

  • Key bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


June 9, 2023

  • Key bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


June 1, 2023

  • Material Editor allows you to create custom materials using node-based logic
  • Create realistic physics simulations with the Rigid Body component and three new collider components
  • Use Body Outline to create animated body contour effects
  • Submit your effect within the Effect House application
  • Incorporate your TikTok friends’ profile photos and usernames with Social Kit
  • Leverage our beta version of Asset Studio to generate customized face mask assets
New Features
  • Material Editor allows you to create custom materials from scratch using node-based logic. Custom Material can be added from the Assets panel. Material Editor is integrated as a tab next to the Visual Scripting panel.
  • Add a Rigid Body component to any 3D object to give it physical characteristics such as mass. Use the Rigid Body component with a collider component (Box Collider, Sphere Collider, or Capsule Collider) to simulate realistic collisions between objects.
  • The Body Outline object lets you create animated body contour effects. You can customize the input texture, style, and animation details using the Body Outline component in the Inspector panel.
  • Add Social Kit objects to incorporate your TikTok friends’ usernames and profile photos to create interactive effects. Social Kit is perfect for creating a randomizer effect with your friends’ information!
  • Use text prompts to generate unique face mask assets using a beta version of Asset Studio
  • Two new built-in textures, Filter Render Output and Retouch Render Output, were added to allow in-app effects to be applied to textures
  • A guided new user experience provides a step-by-step walkthrough on how to make and publish a simple face sticker effect
  • The effect submission workflow has been updated to improve usability. You can now submit your effect in the Effect House application, rather than being redirected to the Effect House website.
  • The AR Plane and AR Camera objects are now added to the AR Tracking render group in the Hierarchy panel
  • The Blinn-Phong material has been merged with the Simple Lighting material. You can still achieve a high-performance, reflective effect with Simple Lighting.
  • Variables and subgraphs can now be managed from My Items in the Visual Scripting panel toolbar. Select nodes can be modified using the Details button in the same toolbar.
  • The Add blend mode for Bling has been removed. Projects created in versions prior to Effect House 2.5.0 will use the Linear Dodge blend mode.


May 10, 2023


Updated Asset Library with new 2D and 3D assets, materials, and screen effects

New Features
  • Introducing pre-made effect building blocks called prefabs, exclusively available in Asset Library. Drag and drop a prefab into the Hierarchy panel.
  • Add a Custom effect to the Post Process component in the Inspector panel. The Custom effect enables you to apply a material to customize your own post process effect.
  • Updated the Asset Library with new 2D and 3D assets, materials, and screen effects
  • Access more Mesh assets in the Asset menu for easier access to commonly used reference and occluder meshes
  • An issue preventing some users from importing audio files has been resolved
Known Issues
  • Applying a normal texture to a Standard PBR material may cause issues
  • Face Sticker rotation won’t be reflected in the Preview panel without restarting the effect
  • When using Lip Effect, opening the mouth wide may cause issues with the mesh


May 1, 2023

  • Key bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


April 24, 2023

  • New Sad Face generative effect
  • New Badges integrated into the Effect House app
  • Five new templates to help create makeup, interactive, and animated effects

We recommend updating to the latest versions of TikTok (iOS v29.0.0 and Android 29.1.0) as they are most compatible with Effect House v2.3.0.

New Features
  • Sad Face, a new generative effect, creates a distressed expression
  • Introducing a new program called Effect House Bonus Badges! Based on your effect performance, you can unlock new badges that will add new items to your TikTok profile, such as a frame or even a badge that says Effect House Top Creator.
  • The Generative Effects component has been updated to use Generative Effect assets available in the Assets panel
  • Animated Textures can now be applied directly to any Texture property, removing the need for the Animation Sequence component
  • The color picker has been updated to improve usability
  • The Bling object now has a Camera component in the Inspector panel. You can now move its render group in the Hierarchy panel to render it behind or in front of other objects.
  • Use the Lightning Face template to project animated lightning and change eye color on the face
  • Apply and customize the color of freckles that realistically contour to the face using the Freckles Makeup template
  • Create and customize the triggers and duration of a zoom effect with the Interactive Zoom template
  • Use the Change Hair Color template to change hair color every time a specific facial movement happens
  • The Rainbow Bling template uses the Bling and Filter post effects to create a sparkle effect
Known Issues
  • Applying a normal texture to a Standard PBR material may cause issues


March 31, 2023

  • Key bug fixes to improve your Effect House experience


March 27, 2023

  • New Hair Eraser generative effect
  • Added Detect Occlusion
  • New Blinn-Phong material
New Features
  • Hair Eraser, a new generative effect, removes short to medium-length hair with one click
  • The Object menu now has scrollable graphic menu cards and a new order
  • Added Eye Effect, Eyelash Effect, and Lip Effect to the Object menu for easier access and higher visibility
  • Added the ability to detect occlusion to specific face effects: Eye Effect, Eyelash Effect, and Lip Effect. With Detect Occlusion selected, face effects now appear to hide behind real-world objects.
  • Post Process effects have been added to the Object menu, reducing the time it takes to add them. Bloom, Chromatic Aberration, Distort, Grain, Vignette, Bokeh Blur, Lens Flare, and Motion Blur can now be found under the Post Effect category.
  • Added the new Blinn-Phong material to apply a high-performance, reflective effect to your object
  • QR code login is now the primary point of entry for Effect House. An instructional animation has been added to make accessing the in-app scanner much easier. Alternative login methods are available at the bottom of the screen.
  • The Standard PBR material has two new properties. Rim Highlight adds a glow to the edge of your object and Thin Film applies an iridescent outer layer.
  • The Face Paint material’s default Opacity Texture was updated to improve the appearance of 3D face masks
  • The Dynamic Chain template demonstrates how to apply chain physics to hair and earrings to create an interactive character
  • The Sky Castle template allows you to set the environment of a classic sky AR effect with the addition of your own AR objects
  • Apply a neon-themed face mask with customized face textures with the Neon Face template
  • In previous versions, when clicking Take screenshot, the screenshot wouldn’t be captured until Save was clicked. This has been resolved.
Known Issues
  • Standard PBR, Unlit, Face Paint, and Blinn-Phong materials’ blend modes default to an empty state or -1


March 22, 2023

  • Add preset interaction subgraphs in the Inspector panel
  • Apply chain physics to your objects with the new Dynamic Chain component
  • New Eyebrow Editor template
  • Support for Apple Magic Mouse
New Features
  • Add interactions in the Inspector panel to select preset subgraphs that make objects interactive in one click
    • Double-click an interaction subgraph to access and customize a combination of trigger and response nodes
    • Double-click nodes to access third-layer logic
  • Dynamic Chain allows you to easily add chain physics to a rigged 3D model or linked series of objects
  • New Visual Scripting nodes and subgraph input types are available. Support for materials and scene objects as subgraph input types has been added. New corresponding Visual Scripting nodes have been added to create effect logic.
    • Expanded subgraph input types to include materials and scene objects, and added support for array inputs
    • Added several new utility nodes including getters for scene objects and components, getters and setters for mesh renderer and material assets, and array helper functions
  • New 2D system in the Hierarchy panel. Updates include the following:
    • Screen Image replaces the current Image object. It consists of the new Screen Transform component and Image component. It is displayed and edited in the 2D scene view by default.
    • Image has been updated to use 3D Transform
    • Face Sticker has been updated to use the new Image component
    • Segmentation objects have been updated to use the new Screen Transform component instead of the 2D Transform, Canvas, and Canvas Scaler components to achieve the same effect
    • 2D Scene Object creates a new generic scene object that can function as a parent or base entity for new 2D objects with the Screen Transform component.
  • Improved the usability of the Scene panel and Visual Scripting panel
  • Added support for Apple Magic Mouse
  • Updated the numeric input and slider UI in the Inspector panel to improve usability
  • Updated the Face Mask component mesh to increase the effective area for full-face effects and fixed the forehead clipping
  • Combined the Eye Color component into one object for more ease of use
  • Changed the default AR scale unit from meters to centimeters to better align the scale in the 3D scene view with the scale in the Preview panel
  • New Eyebrow Editor template showcases three ways to implement eyebrow effects using generative effects. The template comes with 3 categories of material assets that you can swap into the 3D face.
    • Modify the opacity texture to create unique eyebrow designs
    • Modify the base texture to use custom drawn eyebrows
    • Modifying the UV to change eyebrow shape and position


February 22, 2023

  • Introducing three generative effects: Eyebrow Eraser, Smile, and Pucker
  • Introducing render groups in the Hierarchy panel
New Features
  • Added three generative models in the Hierarchy panel that modify the face in real time—Eyebrow Eraser, Smile, and Pucker. Try them out by accessing Generative Effects in the Object menu.
  • Use the Look At component to automatically orient any 3D object to face a target object
  • Introducing render groups which act as containers that group related objects together to optimize rendering. When an object is added to the Hierarchy panel, it is automatically included in an assigned render group.
  • Updated Face Liquify to enable editing in the 2D scene view
  • When opening an existing project in a newer version of Effect House, you can now click Save as to preserve your original project and open an updated version
  • The Transit by Time node’s Ping-pong input is now false (unchecked) by default
  • The Flip-Flop node’s Is A output is now false by default
  • Comment border color customization has returned