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Version: 4.4.0

Blend Mode

Blend Mode instructs how the current material will blend with the background.

Blend ModeSupport MaterialDescriptionExpressionPreview
MultiplyStandard PBR, UnlitThe multiply blend mode returns a color that multiplies the values per channel of the base and blend modes.
This results in a darker color. Multiplying a base color with a blend color of black will always result in a black color.
Multiplying a base color with a blend color of white will always result in the base color returned.
OverlayStandard PBR, UnlitThe overlay blend mode uses the screen blend mode on lighter pixels and the multiply blend mode on darker pixels, this produces brighter brights and darker darks.2ab (if a<0.5) 1–2(1–a)(1–b) (if a>=0.5)
ScreenStandard PBR, UnlitThe screen blend mode inverts the base color and multiplies it with the blend color. The result is a brighter pixel.1–(1–a)(1–b)
Soft LightStandard PBR, UnlitThe soft light effect uses the darken or lighten blend mode depending on the luminance value. It is similar to overlay but with a softer result.
soft light
Color BurnStandard PBR, UnlitThe color burn blend mode is similar to the multiply blend mode but increases contrast, saturation, and lowers highlights.1–(1–b)/a
color burn
Color DodgeStandard PBR, UnlitThe color dodge blend mode produces brighter colors in the base color with reduced contrast. This results in saturated mid-tones and blown highlights.b / (1 – a)
color dodge
DarkenStandard PBR, UnlitThe darken color mode compares the base layer color to the blend layer color and returns the darker of the two colors.min(a,b)
DifferenceStandard PBR, UnlitThe difference blend mode subtracts the blend color from the base color and returns that result.
ExclusionStandard PBR, UnlitThe exclusion blend mode causes inverted colors when blended with the color white, and no change when blended with black. Blending with an even gray will produce a gray result.
LightenStandard PBR, UnlitThe lighten blend mode compares the base color and the blend color and returns the lighter of the two colors.max(a.b)
Linear Dodge (Add)Standard PBR, UnlitThe linear dodge, also known as the “Add” blend mode, blends the base and blend colors by returning the sum of the two colors.a+b
linear dodge
AlphaTestStandard PBR, UnlitThe alpha test implementation set an alpha threshold(0.5). For alpha value greater than the threshold, it will go 100% opaque, otherwise 100% transparent.Alpha = 0, (if alpha < 0.5) Alpha = 1.0 (if alpha >= 0.5)
alpha test
NormalAll build-in materialsEdits or paints each pixel to make it the result color.a = aAlpha = 1.0
TransparentAll build-in materialsEdits or paints each pixel to make it the result color and open the alpha channel.a = a