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Version: 4.4.0

Detection Output

detection output

Use Detection Output to play and detect the audio stream with no sound. Detection Output is in the Audio category.


NameData TypeDescription
AudioAudio StreamThe audio stream you want to play and detect.


Detection Output should pair with a detection node (like Volume Detection, Beats Detection, etc.) It outputs the result of the detection node you linked to the Audio Resource Controller. You can use the output to manipulate visuals or audios. Unlike Speaker Node, Detection Node cannot play the audio out.


  1. If you have multiple detection nodes in your project, make sure you link the Detection Output Node to the end of the Detection Node. You can link the Speaker Node to the Audio Resource Controller.
detection output node
  1. If you have only one detection node linked to your Audio Resource Controller, and you want the audio playing out, then you also can link a Speaker to the Detection Node you’re using to get the value as well as the sound. See Onset Detection for an example.
onset detection