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Version: 4.6.0

Screen Image Preparation

This guide will show you how to prepare a 2D image for your Effect House project.

Import an Image

You can import an image by clicking the Add button [+] > Import > From Computer in the Assets panel. You can also drag the image into the Assets panel.


You can import images larger than 1024 x 1024 px, but the larger dimension will be resized to 1024 px. If the file is larger than 1 MB after resizing, the import will be stopped.

Image Requirements

  • Format: PNG and JPG
  • Resolution limit: 1024 x 1024 px
  • Single file size: Less than 1 MB
  • Total effect package: Less than 8 MB

Import Errors

If your file does not meet the import requirements, it will fail to import. You may encounter the following import error:

Exceed Size

Couldn’t import [file name] because file exceeds the size limit of 1 MB. Check the image resolution and try again.

exceed file size

Image Properties

image prop
ResolutionThe resolution of the image file. The maximum resolution should be less than or equal to 1024 x 1024 px.
SizeThe file size.
TypeThe file type.

Image Compression

You can compress your image size to keep your overall effect package within the 5 MB limit. Smaller file sizes and lower resolutions can increase performance.

Select an asset from the Assets panel to access Compression in the Inspector panel.

image prop
Compression TypeThe resolution and size of the asset will automatically compress when you change the properties.
  • Automatic (default): Set the image’s maximum dimension to 512 px by default. The height and width will maintain their ratio as they scale.
  • Manual: Select Max Resolution and Quality values from their respective dropdowns.
    • Max Resolution: Choose between 1024, 512 (default), 256, and 128 px.
    • Quality: Compress the image size by choosing between High, Medium, and Low.
  • None: The asset will be left as is.

Set Max Resolution to the same or smaller than the original resolution of the image. Otherwise, the image quality will not improve and the file size will increase.

Setting the quality to High will not compress the image. Medium and Low will reduce the quality of the image.

Image Advanced Settings

advanced prop
Enable MimapIf selected, define the following:
  • Filter Min: Linear (default) or Nearest
  • Filter Mag: Linear (default) or Nearest
  • Filter Mipmap: None (default), Linear, or Nearest
Wrap ModeDetermine how the texture is sampled when texture coordinates (in UV control) are outside of the typical 0-1 range.
  • Repeat (default): Tile the texture to create a repeating pattern.
  • Clamp: Clamp the texture to the last pixel at the edge.
  • Mirror: Tile the texture to create a repeating pattern by mirroring it at every integer boundary.
PremultPre-multiply, or pre-mask, the image by masking the color by its own alpha channel.