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Version: 4.6.0

Point Light

Point Light emits even, uniform light from a single direction. Use this to simulate sunlight, or create scenes where all objects get the same amount of light.

Add a Point Light Object

Go to the Hierarchy panel and click the Add button [+] > Scene > Point Light.

add point light

When importing a FBX model to Effect House, if the model contains Lighting, you can import it in the FBXImport Options menu.

Object Hierarchy

Starting in Effect House v2.0.0, the Directional Light object is automatically added to the General render group in the Hierarchy panel. Learn more about render groups.


To apply a light source to objects across different render groups, the objects must be configured to be in the same layer as the light source.


The Point Light object is made up of the following components, found in the Inspector panel: