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Version: 4.6.0

Disco Party

The Disco Party template creates an effect with rainbow lights and duplicate subjects. This template leverages segmentation and audio detection: there are 3 copies of portrait segmentation, and the position of each changes in response to the audio source's frequency. Moreover, the filter color changes according to the audio beats.

disco party demo

How to Use This Template

Open Effect House, go to Templates, click the Body tab, and select the Disco Party template.

open the disco party template in effect house

There are 4 screen images in Hierarchy panel. Three of the images are portrait segmentation copies. One is the animated spotlight image. You can change the order of these images or change their textures. For example, you can replace portrait segmentation with head segmentation, or use a customized animated texture for the spotlight.

hierarchy panel

This effect also has interactive audio. The positions of Portrait Left and Portrait Right are controlled by the audio spectrum value.

Use Your Own Assets

You can import and use your own spotlight animated texture. Then click the Spot Light object in the Hierarchy panel, go to the Inspector panel, and replace the Image component's Texture property with your own animated texture.

use your own assets

Modify Visual Scripting

Visual scripting controls the audio resource. You can import your own audio resources and replace the Audio Resource node's Audio Clip inside the blue Try your own audio clip comment box.

modify visual scripting

The Map audio spectrum to image position subgraph takes the audio stream as its input, then analyzes its spectrum. The audio average spectrum is detected in real time and then mapped to the Portrait Left and Portrait Right positions. You can modify the subgraph's Pos Range Max value to control the mapping range.

map audio spectrum